Fast Track To Health
I commit to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals. That of course, includes weight loss.
I know how debilitating excess fat can be. It stops us from fully participating in our lives.
Losing weight isn't about being vain or showing off. It is about being the best you can be in your body to get the most out of this life.
If you commit to six months in our program, I know you will feel lighter, stronger, and emotionally healthy.
I decided to share a picture of myself after doing the 6 month journey and I would love to help you feel so good that you feel inclined to share your picture too!
I am offering this to you as I can help you not only achieve your weight goals but can also help you achieve more energy and better sleep and feel so good in your body that you will feel you can achieve anything.
Because I am passionate about my programmes, I want to share them with the world. The value is fantastic! Plus, of course, they work.
(By the way, we also offer After-pay so that you can spread the payments)
Is this YOU?
If it does then Fast Track To Health is just what you need!
We now have two options
Original - low-inflammatory foods along with products and systems to help you achieve your goals
Carnivore - this is a revolutionary way of achieving your goals. This also includes products and systems to help you on your way. (Yes, YOu can start with one and move into another - they both work)
Fast Track to Health has evolved over the years to a simple program that will shift excess kilos and help your body heal itself of many health issues.
See our Testimonials here - We know how hard it is to believe that you can change, but honestly, you can.
The program comes in two parts - which in total is around three months
Step 1 - Detox phase 40 days
This is a simple process, which incorporates,
intermittent fasting (two meals a day)
Low-inflammatory foods
Homoeopathic remedy spray releases your body’s stress response so you can let go of unwanted body fat. Plus much more
Boost drops - you add these to your water to give you ionic minerals and detoxification support (called drainage remedies)
Magnesium Gel - this is applied to your skin and is a vital component for you to achieve long-lasting results - see our magnesium page for more info - this one bottle will last on average, three months, so the whole program
Booklets to take you through the process and give you recipe suggestions.
support as and when you need it
Step 2 - Discovery phase 40 days
In this process, you will discover what your “superfoods” are. Plus, on the opposite side, what are your inflammatory foods are. When you find out this, your whole way of eating and living opens up. Again the process is simplicity itself. You will receive
A booklet that takes you to step by step on how to introduce foods and when
Spray - this is an emotional/physical support remedy to help you keep on track - plus, it can help you continue to lose those excess kgs if you still have them to lose
Boost drops - These drops are similar to step one boost but with added detoxification remedies of chemicals and heavy metals
To purchase the two parts together, Click Here
For Step 1, Click here
For Step 2, Click Here
Have you heard of the carnivore diet?
The carnivore lifestyle is slowly coming out as being the new kid on the block of keto, paleo lifestyles with excellent reason -
Click here for more information about the Fast Track to Health Carnivore version information.
The Fast Track To Health Steps
Step 1 - 40 days Elimination
This step is the Elimination Phase. This is where you lose the fat, let go of aches and pains and generally start the process of deep-seated healing. This step is at least 40 days. Why 40 days? Well, it takes 40 days to change a habit. It also takes 40 days on low-inflammatory foods to help you overcome false food intolerances and reactivity.
Step 2 - 40 plus days Discovery
The Discovery phase - this phase is an excellent part of the plan. You can discover which foods your body loves and those it doesn’t.
The great thing about this part of the program is that if you do it well, you are very unlikely to return to how you were.
YOU learn about YOU and YOUR body. After all, we are all unique beings, and what is excellent nutrition for some is wrong for others.
IN SYNOPSIS, FAST TRACK to HEALTH Is a 2-step process -
The modalities I have studied
Natural Nutrition, Medical Herbalism, Iridology, Bio-energy Medicine, Reflexology, Colour Puncture, and Colonic Irrigation. Plus, many other forms of healing modalities.
I have been gifted with the ability to create programs and products. This is why “VITALITY HEALTH", our incredible Health & Weight Loss Programme, came into being!
Over the years, I have worked with thousands of wonderful clients who all lost weight and feel great!
Elimination Stage
This part is a 40-day journey where you will lose weight and gain more energy. Let go of any aches and pains you have right now; they will slowly melt away. This is a low-inflammatory diet plan, where you will also go into Ketosis (using fat as energy) and eat at certain times of the day so that you will be intermittent fasting!
Sounds hard? It is one of the most rewarding programmes you will ever have done. The weight disappears; you will let go of some excess baggage every day. I am feeling lighter and more energised! We have developed this program over the last ten years, and it is the best one we have used. We know you will love the results - The first week can be the most challenging, but stick with it!
The scales will motivate you, and if you need any help, we are just a phone call away.
“I feel invigorated, better and lighter in just a few days! What a result. Thanks, heaps, you have been wonderfully patient and understanding with what has been going on with me.”
(Jan, Christchurch)
The Discovery Stage
This part of the programme is essential as it continues the detox; now, you can learn about what suits your body. Also, hormonal and emotional imbalances can begin to be addressed. With this phase, we can manage food cravings Which often come hand in hand with depression of all types, along with digestive disorders, menopausal symptoms, PMT, polycystic ovaries, plus much more. One of the most significant results has been the reduction of negative emotions.
If you still have weight to lose after the first stage, the products and dietary advice can help you continue your journey to balance.
This programme can also help with Adrenal/Thyroid health issues. The remedies have been designed with these organs in mind. With both Stages, there are step-by-step guidebooks and recipes.
“Three years ago, I went on the Fast Track program, and after that, phase two, where I lost and kept off 20kg. Since then, I have used Magnesium, Boost and facial oil. The oil is beautiful and luxurious. I love it every time I use it! I love how I feel inside and out “ (Joan, Kerikeri)
I am so grateful for you, Karen, and your Fast Track 2 Health programme! Not only have I lost 10kg in the 44 days I have been working with you, but I am feeling so much healthier and happier than ever before. When I approached you that first day, I had my hormonal issues in mind having recently been tested. I had low progesterone levels and low adrenal function, the latter being of most concern to me. I also knew while I wasn't technically overweight, I did have some weight to lose. I really wasn't living my authentic self. Your programme has changed my life and while the first week took some settling into a routine, it has seriously been so easy. (I have to say, the fact you can have coffee on this programme made me so happy; that might have been a deal breaker ha!) It has helped me to reset my appetite, reduce my cravings, lose weight, reduce my anxiety, sleep better, be more hydrated, have more energy, be more mindful; it's taught me to take care of body, and the list goes on. During this time, the only exercise I have been doing is walking nearly every day. I have a love for fitness but was feeling overwhelmed with multiple memberships and just fitting everything in; and I didn't realise it had started to weigh me down. When you told me just to walk (because anything else was likely to raise my cortisol levels) it was as if you'd given me permission to relax and that overwhelm disappeared. And walking has allowed me to get out into the fresh air and be more present. You have been incredibly supportive, chatting to me when I dropped by, responding to my emails and you've also given me advice and shown me how to handle social occasions mindfully. You've shown me this can be a lifestyle change! The next 40 days is about Phase 2 where I start introducing new foods every day and I'm looking forward to that. I would encourage anyone who might be feeling toxic, carrying a bit too much weight, lacking in energy, just generally not living their best life to go and visit Karen at Vitality; you won't regret it. With gratitude Tracy Mckay
Read MY STORY - the one you may all be able to relate to, HERE...
So jump on-board! Loose weight, feel great & love your body!