Are you really ruled by your DNA?

Are you really ruled by your DNA?

Over the last 2 decades, I have been fortunate in the fact I have been studying quantum physics and the world beyond our physical one. Now it seems that mainstream science is starting to implement and study the effects that quantum scientists have known and been talking about for a very long time. in this newsletter we are covering a little about the impact our DNA has on us and the impact we can have on our DNA! It is so very exciting! 

Are you ruled by your DNA? Or can you choose your Health destiny?

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Gut health link to anxiety/depression

 Gut health link to anxiety/depression

It is funny isn’t it, we somehow disassociate our physical and emotional well-being as if they are two separate entities! But now, there is evidence to show (what we in natural health have known for centuries) that our physical health is a vital component to our mental well-being.

Today I specifically want to talk about gut health, well one aspect of it in particular which you will already have heard of, but some extra exciting aspects have come to light over the last few years that you may not know!

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Fast Track to Health Program – a health Transformation that helps you shed extra kilos!

Fast Track to Health Program  – a health Transformation that helps you shed extra kilos!

Are you sick and tired of trying every new diet program that comes out, only to feel like you have failed? Do you try to lose weight but feel so awful that you can’t help but gravitate towards foods that you know in your heart aren’t right for you, but you just have to have them? The great thing about Fast Track to Health program is that it is not just a weight loss program. It is a program that helps in so many other ways – (see testimonial below). It can help us find out what foods are causing inflammation in our bodies. That matters because it has been proven that inflammation is the root cause of ALL Disease processes. What this does is empower us to make choices that help the continuing improvement of our health and wellbeing. This is very different to many programmes/products on the market that are designed in a way that to keep weight off you HAVE to continue to use those products.

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Suffering with feelings of anxiety?

Suffering with feelings of anxiety?

Are you like a high proportion of the population suffering from either mild or debilitating feelings of anxiousness, depression and/or fatigue?

You could be suffering from ….. Fear! Yes that’s right anxiety is just fear in another guise. If we are in fear then all sorts of things can raise their ugly heads and bite us on the derriere.

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There is a new weightloss craze going on – well it appears to be new!!

There is a new weightloss craze going on – well it appears to be new!!

That new craze is mono dieting ! This basically means that you eat just one food!! There are a few extremes – the most extreme I have read about is Bananas all day and every day until you reach your goal weight, some people have stayed on this for weeks at a time!!
The other – not quite so extreme but it is still very restricted is mono meals – say bananas for breakfast, apples for lunch and strawberries for dinner.

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Coffee – can it really help with Cellulite?

Coffee – can it really help with Cellulite?

If you are like me and LOVE your morning coffee you will be intrigued that this magical ingredient not only makes you feel so good in the morning – it can help in so many ways with your skin and detoxification processes.

There has been so much written about this wonderful bean, that is negative as well as positive. I know many of my clients get confused when I recommend that they drink it, when much of what they have read has told them not too!

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Signs of Insulin Resistance

Signs of Insulin Resistance

Most people think about diabetics when they see the word insulin. However, problems with insulin can occur in several different conditions. Even in people with normal blood sugar. Have you heard of insulin resistance? I am sure you will have, as it is quite big news. Plus, if you have had a consultation with me either in person or over the phone I am sure I will have brought it up!  

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EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) Detox

Why Detox your EMF 

Well the symptoms alone might spur you on to take some steps

Here are just a few that you may be struggling with:
Sleep issues, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, inflammation, headaches, eye-strain, teeth-grinding, feeling wired, tingling burning sensation, ringing in your ears, constant infections, thyroid issues (under and over), heart fluctuations, Hormonal issues, migraines and in worst case scenarios, suicidal tendencies.

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SELENIUM - are you levels low?

SELENIUM - are you levels low?

In New Zealand we are more prone to this deficiency than most other places due to this mineral being absent in our soils.

Selenium is a trace element – so this means that we don’t need large amounts, but it is critical to our well being.  It is naturally present in many foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement. Selenium, which is nutritionally essential for humans, is a constituent of more than two dozen seleno - proteins that play critical roles in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis, and protection from oxidative damage and infection

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